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Start Python. To start Python on Windows computer, open a command line window and type python, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Starting Python on a Windows Computer C:\> python Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> To start Python on Mac or Linux, open a command line window and type python3, as shown in Example 2. Example 2: Starting Python on Mac or Linux Computers $ python3 Python 3.5.2 (default, Aug 18 2017, 17:48:00) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> Note: If you are having trouble getting Python to start, make sure you completed all the steps in the Lab - PC Setup for the Workshop.
Use Interactive Interpreter as a Calculator The three angle brackets (>>>) indicate that you are in Python's interactive interpreter. From here, you can do a variety of basic programming tasks including math operations. Table 1 shows the Python syntax to use for the most common math operators. Table 1: Math Operators and Python Syntax Comparison Operation Math Syntax Addition a+b a+b Subtraction a-b a-b Multiplication axb a*b Division a÷b a/b Exponents a^b a**b Example 1 shows a few math operations using the Python syntax. Example 1: Basic Arithmetic Operations $$ python3 Python 3.5.2 (default, Aug 18 2017, 17:48:00) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 2+3 5 >>> 10-4 6 >>> 2*4 8 >>> 20/5 4 >>> 3**2 9 Python uses the standard order of operations commonly known as PEMDAS. Mathematical expressions are evaluated in the following order. Parentheses Exponents Multiplication and Division Addition and Subtraction Try entering an expression with a complex order of operations in the interactive interpreter.
Use Interpreter to Print a String A string is any sequence of characters such as letters, numbers, symbols, or punctuation marks. The interactive interpreter will directly output text that you enter as a string as long as you enclose the string in either single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The print command can be used in a script to output a string, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Printing a String >>> "Hello World!" 'Hello World!' >>> 'Hello World!' 'Hello World!' >>> print("Hello World!") Hello World!
Open IDLE Interactive Interpreter There are many development environments available for programmers to manage their coding projects. However, in this workshop you will use Python's Integrated Development Environment (IDLE). To access IDLE on a Windows computer, click Start > Python 3.6 > IDLE (Python 3.6 32-bit). To access IDLE on Mac and Linux computers, enter quit() in the interactive interpreter to exit and then type idle3 at the command line to launch, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Launching IDLE on Mac and Linux Computers. >>> "Hello World!" 'Hello World!' >>> 'Hello World!' 'Hello World!' >>> print("Hello World!") Hello World! >>> quit() $ idle3 IDLE has two main windows: IDLE Shell IDLE Editor The IDLE Shell provides an interactive interpreter with colorizing of code input, output, and error messages. It also includes a tool popup that provides syntactical help for the command you are currently using, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: IDLE Shell Window IDLE_Shell.png The IDLE Editor provides a text editor with code colorization and syntatical help for writing python scripts. To open the IDLE Editor, in the IDLE Shell, click File > New File, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Opening the IDLE Editor open-editor.png The IDLE Editor includes the ability to immediately test a script in the shell by using the Run Module (F5) command, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Running a Script from the IDLE Editor Window Editor_F5.png
Activity - Write, Save, and Run Your First Program Complete the following steps in IDLE: In IDLE shell, click File > New File (Ctrl+N) to open an Untitled script file Save the file as Enter the following in the script: print("Hello World!") Save the script; click File > Save (Ctrl+S) Run the script; click Run > Run Module (F5) Figure 1 shows the results of following these steps. Figure 1: Running Your First Program
Basic Data Types In programming, data types are a classification which tells the interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. For example, the interpreter needs to know if the data the programmer entered is a number or a string. Although there are several different data types, we will focus only on the following: Integer - used to specify whole numbers (no decimals), such as 1, 2, 3, and so on. If an integer is entered with a decimal, the interpreter ignores the decimal. For example, 3.75 is interpreted as 3. Float - used to specify numbers that need a decimal value, such as 3.14159. String - any sequence of characters such as letters, numbers, symbols, or punctuation marks. Boolean - any data type that has a value of either True or False. Use the type() function to determine the data type, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Determine the Data Type >>> type(98) >>> type(98.6) >>> type("Hi!") >>> type(True)
Boolean Operators The Boolean data type makes use of the operators shown in Table 1. Table 1: Boolean Operators Operator Meaning > Greater than < Less than == Equal to != Not equal to >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to In the IDLE shell, try out the different Boolean operators, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Boolean Operators Comparisons >>> 1<2 True >>> 1>2 False >>> 1==1 True >>> 1!=1 False >>> 1>=1 True >>> 1<=1 True
Creating and Using a Variable The Boolean operator for determining whether two values are equal is the double equal sign (==). A single equal sign (=) is used to assign a value to a variable. The variable can then be used in other commands to recall value, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Assigning a Value to Variable and Using It in a Command >>> x=3 >>> x*5 15 >>> "Cisco"*x 'CiscoCiscoCisco'
Concatenate Multiple String Variables Concatenation is the process of combining multiple strings into one string. For example, the concatenation of "foot" and "ball" is "football". In Example 1, four variables are concatenated together in a print() statement with the plus sign (+). Notice that the space variable was defined for use as white space between the words. Example 1: Concatenating String Variables >>> str1="Cisco" >>> str2="Networking" >>> str3="Academy" >>> space=" " >>> print(str1+space+str2+space+str3) Cisco Networking Academy >>> Challenge: Try writing a print() statement with a space between the words without using a variable to create the space.
Converting Data Types Concatenation does not work for joining different data types, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Error Message When Concatenating Different Data Types >>> x=3 >>> print("This value of X is " + x) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in print("This value of X is " + x) TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly Use the str() function to convert the value of a variable to a string, as shown in Example 2. Example 2: Converting a Variable's Value to a String >>> x=3 >>> print("The value of x is " + x) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in print("This value of X is " + x) TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly >>> print("The value of x is " + str(x)) The value of x is 3 >>> type(x) Notice that the data type for the variable x is still an integer. To convert the data type, reassign the variable to the new data type, as shown in Example 3. Example 3: Converting the Data Type of a Variable >>> x=3 >>> print("The value of x is " + x) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in print("This value of X is " + x) TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly >>> print("The value of x is " + str(x)) The value of x is 3 >>> type(x) >>> x=str(x) >>> type(x) You may want to display a float to a specific number of decimal places instead of the full number. To do this, use the "{:.2f}".format function, as shown in Example 4. Example 4: Format a Float to 2 Decimal Places >>> num = 22/7 >>> print(num) 3.142857142857143 >>> print("{:.2f}".format(num)) 3.14 >>>
Lists In programming, a list variable is used to store multiple pieces of ordered information. Example 1 shows how to create a list variable called hostnames. Create a list using brackets [ ] and enclosing each item in the list with quotes. Separate the items with a comma. Use the type() command to verify the data type. Use the len() command return the number of items in a list. Call the list variable name to display it’s contents. Example 1: Creating a List >>> hostnames=["R1","R2","R3","S1","S2"] >>> type(hostnames) >>> len(hostnames) 5 >>> hostnames ['R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S1', 'S2'] Also called an array in some programming environments, an item in a list can be referenced and manipulated using its index, as shown in Example 2. The first item in a list is indexed as zero, the second is indexed as one, and so on. The last item can be referenced with index [-1]. Replace an item by assigning a new value to the index. Use the del command to remove an item from a list. Example 2: Referencing and Manipulating a List >>> hostnames[0] 'R1' >>> hostnames[-1] 'S2' >>> hostnames[0]="RTR1" >>> hostnames ['RTR1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S1', 'S2'] >>> del hostnames[3] >>> hostnames ['RTR1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S2'] >>>
Dictionaries Dictionaries are unordered lists of objects. Each object contains a key/value pair. In Example 1, a dictionary ipAddress is created with three key/value pairs to specify the IP address values for three routers. Create a dictionary using the braces { }. Each dictionary entry includes a key and a value. Separate a key and its value with a colon. Use quotes for keys and values that are strings. Example 1: Creating a Dictionary >>> ipAddress = {"R1":"","R2":"","R3":""} >>> type(ipAddress) Unlike lists, objectives inside a dictionary cannot be referenced by their sequence number. Instead, you reference a dictionary object using its key, as shown in Example 2. The key is enclosed with brackets [ ]. Keys that are strings can be referenced using single or double quotes, as shown for R1 and S1 in Example 2. Add a key/value pair by setting the new key equal to a value. Use a key in dictionary statement to verify if a key exists in the dictionary. Example 2: Referencing and Modifying a Dictionary >>> ipAddress {'R1': '', 'R2': '', 'R3': ''} >>> ipAddress['R1'] '’ >>> ipAddress["S1"]="" >>> ipAddress {'R1': '', 'R2': '', 'R3': '', 'S1': ''} >>> "R3" in ipAddress True >>> Values in a key/value pair can be any other data type including lists and dictionaries. For example, if R3 has more than one IP address, how would you represent that inside the ipAddress dictionary? Create a list for the value of the R3 key, as shown in Example 3. Example 3: Embedding a List in a Dictionary >>> ipAddress["R3"]=["","",""] >>> ipAddress {'S1': '', 'R2': '', 'R1': '', 'R3': ['', '', '']} >>>
Activity - Troubleshoot List and Dictionary Code Open the script, which is also shown in Example 1. This script creates a list of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). It then creates a dictionary for each country's capital(s). A list is used for South Africa's three capitals. The script is then supposed to print the country list, capital dictionary, and the 2nd listed capital for the value of South Africa. However, there are errors in the script. Note: Click here to download the Chapter 1 files if you did not get them when completing the Lab - PC Setup for Workshop. Example 1: Script for country=["Brazil","Russia","India","China","South Africa"] capitals={"Brazil":"Brasilia","Russia":"Moscow","India":"New Delhi", "China":"Beijing","South Africa":["Pretoria","Cape Town","Bloemfontein"]} print("country") print("capitals") print(capitals["South Africa"[1]]) Troubleshoot the code until the script runs without errors, as shown in Example 2. Example 2: Output for Script ======= RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== ['Brazil', 'Russia', 'India', 'China', 'South Africa'] {'South Africa': ['Pretoria', 'Cape Town', 'Bloemfontein'], 'India': 'New Delhi', 'Russia': 'Moscow', 'China': 'Beijing', 'Brazil': 'Brasilia'} Cape Town >>>
The Input Function Most programs require some type of input either from a database, another computer, mouse clicks, or keyboard input. For keyboard input, use the function input() which includes an optional parameter to provide a prompt string. If the input function is called, the program will stop until the user provides input and hits the Enter key, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Accepting Input from the User >>> firstName = input("What is your first name? ") What is your first name? Bob >>> print("Hello " + firstName +"!") Hello Bob! >>>
Activity - Create a Script to Collect Personal Information Create and run a script to collect personal information. Open a blank script file and save it as Create a script that asks for four pieces of information such as: first name, last name, location, and age. Create a variable for a space: space = " ". Add a print statement that that combines all the information in one sentence. Your script should run without any errors, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Output for Personal Information Script ======= RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ======= What is your first name? Bob What is your last name? Smith What is your location? London What is your age? 36 Hi Bob Smith! Your location is London and you are 36 years old. >>>
If/Else Function In programming, conditional statements check if something is true and then carry out instructions based on the evaluation. If the evaluation is false, different instructions are carried out. Example 1 demonstrates the if/else function in a simple script: Example 1: The If/Else Function nativeVLAN = 1 dataVLAN = 100 if nativeVLAN == dataVLAN: print("The native VLAN and the data VLAN are the same.") else: print("The native VLAN and the data VLAN are different.") Create this script for your files: Open a blank script and save it as Copy the script in Example 1. Run the script and troubleshoot any errors. Your output should look like Example 2. Change the values to test the else print statement and run the script again. Example 2: Output for First Run of Script ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== The native VLAN and the data VLAN are different. >>> Modify the variables so that nativeVLAN and dataVLAN have the same value. Save and run the script again. Your output should look like Example 3. Example 3: Output for Second Run of Script ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== The native VLAN and the data VLAN are the same. >>>
If/Elif/Else Function What if we have more than two conditional statements to consider? In this case, we can use elif statements in the middle of the if/else function. An elif statement is evaluated if the if statement is false and before the else statement. You can have as many elif statements as you would like. However, the first one matched will be executed and none of the remaining elif statements will be checked. Nor will the else statement. The script in Example 1 asks the user to input the number of an IPv4 ACL and then checks whether that number is a standard IPv4 ACL, extended IPv4 ACL, or neither standard or extended IPv4 ACL. Note: The data type for the input function is changed from the default string to an integer so that the if and elif evaluations will work. Example 1: The If/Elif/Else Function aclNum = int(input("What is the IPv4 ACL number? ")) if aclNum >= 1 and aclNum <= 99: print("This is a standard IPv4 ACL.") elif aclNum >=100 and aclNum <= 199: print("This is a extended IPv4 ACL.") else: print("This is not a standard or extended IPv4 ACL.") Create this script for your files: Open a blank script and save it as Copy the script in Example 1. Run multiple times to test each statement. Troubleshoot any errors. Your output should look like Example 2. Example 2: Output for Script =========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ =========== What is the IPv4 ACL number? 10 This is a standard IPv4 ACL. >>> =========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ =========== What is the IPv4 ACL number? 100 This is a extended IPv4 ACL. >>> =========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ =========== What is the IPv4 ACL number? 2000 This is not a standard or extended IPv4 ACL. >>>
For Loop The Python for command is used to loop or iterate through the elements in a list or perform an operation on a series of values. Example 1 demonstrates how a for loop can be used to print the elements in a list. The variable name item is arbitrary and can be anything the programmer chooses. Example 1: For Loop >>> devices=["R1","R2","R3","S1","S2"] >>> for item in devices: print(item) R1 R2 R3 S1 S2 >>> What if you only want to list the items that begin with the letter R? An if statement can be embedded in a for loop to achieve this, as shown in Example 2. Example 2: For Loop with Embedded If >>> for item in devices: if "R" in item: print(item) R1 R2 R3 >>> You can also use a combination of the for loop and if statement to create a new list. Example 3 shows how to use the append() method to create a new list called switches. Example 3: Use a For Loop to Create a New List >>> switches=[] >>> for item in devices: if "S" in item: switches.append(item) >>> switches ['S1', 'S2'] >>>
Create a While Loop Instead of running a block of code once, as in an if statement, you can use a while loop. A while loop keeps executing a code block as long as a boolean expression remains true. This can cause a program to run endlessly if you do not make sure your script includes a condition for the while loop to stop. While loops will not stop until the boolean expression evaluates as false. In Example 1, the while loop counts from 1 to a number entered by the user. Open a blank script and save it as Create a program with a while loop that counts to a user’s supplied number. Convert the string to an integer: x = int(x). Set a variable to start the count: y = 1. While y <= x, print the value of y and increment y by 1. Example 1: Counting Using a While Loop x=input("Enter a number to count to: ") x=int(x) y=1 while y<=x: print(y) y=y+1 Example 2 shows the output for the script when the user enters 10. Example 2: Output for First Run of ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== Enter a number to count to: 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>> Instead of using while y <= x, we can modify the while loop to use a Boolean check and break to stop the loop when the check evaluates as false, as shown in Example 3. Example 3: Modify the While Loop to Use Break x=input("Enter a number to count to: ") x=int(x) y=1 while True: print(y) y=y+1 if y>x: break Modify the script as shown in Example 3 and run it. You should not have any errors and your output should look similar to Example 2.
Use a While Loop to Check for User Quit Command What if we want the program to run as many times as the user wants until the user quits the program? To do this, we can embed the program in a while loop that checks if the user enters a quit command, such as q or quit. In your script, make the following changes, as shown in Example 1. Add another while loop to the beginning of the script which will check for a quit command. Add an if function to the while loop to check for q or quit. Example 1: Add a While Loop to Check for Quit Command while True: x=input("Enter a number to count to: ") if x == 'q' or x == 'quit': break x=int(x) y=1 while True: print(y) y=y+1 if y>x: break Your output should look similar to Example 2 in which the user entered two different values before quitting the program. Example 2: Output for ========= RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========= Enter a number to count to: 3 1 2 3 Enter a number to count to: 5 1 2 3 4 5 Enter a number to count to: quit >>>
Read an External File In addition to user input, you can access a database, another computer program, or a file to provide input to your program. The open() function can be used to access a file using the following syntax: open(name, [mode]) The name parameter is the name of the file to be opened. If the file is in a different directory than your script, you will also need to provide path information. For our purposes, we are only interested in three mode parameters: r - read the file (default mode if mode is omitted). w - write over the file, replacing the content of the file. a - append to the file. Complete the following steps to read and print a file: Open a blank script and save it as Create a script to read and print the content of a file, as shown in Example 1. The devices.txt file should be in the same directory as your script. After printing the contents of the file, use the close() function to remove it from the computer's memory. Note: The contents of the file are set to a variable named file. However, that variable can be called anything the programmer chooses. Example 1: Read and Print a File file=open("devices.txt","r") for item in file: print(item) file.close() Run the script and troubleshoot, if necessary. Your output should look like Example 2. Example 2: Output for the Script ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== Cisco 819 Router Cisco 881 Router Cisco 888 Router Cisco 1100 Router Cisco 4321 Router Cisco 4331 Router Cisco 4351 Router Cisco 2960 Catalyst Switch Cisco 3850 Catalyst Switch Cisco 7700 Nexus Switch Cisco Meraki MS220-8 Cloud Managed Switch Cisco Meraki MX64W Security Appliance Cisco Meraki MX84 Security Appliance Csico Meraki MC74 VoIP Phone Cisco 3860 Catalyst Switch >>> Note: Click here to download the Chapter 1 files if you did not get them when completing the Lab - PC Setup for Workshop.
Remove Blank Lines from the Output You may have noticed that Python added a blank line after each entry. We can remove this blank line using the strip() method. Edit your script as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Stripping the Blank Line file=open("devices.txt","r") for item in file: item=item.strip() print(item) file.close() Run and, if necessary, troubleshoot your script. Your output should look like Example 2. Example 2: Output for the Script ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== Cisco 819 Router Cisco 881 Router Cisco 888 Router Cisco 1100 Router Cisco 4321 Router Cisco 4331 Router Cisco 4351 Router Cisco 2960 Catalyst Switch Cisco 3850 Catalyst Switch Cisco 7700 Nexus Switch Cisco Meraki MS220-8 Cloud Managed Switch Cisco Meraki MX64W Security Appliance Cisco Meraki MX84 Security Appliance Csico Meraki MC74 VoIP Phone Cisco 3860 Catalyst Switch >>>
Copy File Content Into a List Variable Most of the time when programmers access an external resource such as a database or file, they are wanting to copy that content into a local variable that can then be referenced and manipulated without impacting the original resource. The devices.txt file is a list of Cisco devices that can easily be copied into a Python list using the following steps: Create an empty list. Use the append parameter to copy file content to the new list. Modify your as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Copying a File into a List devices=[] file=open("devices.txt","r") for item in file: item=item.strip() devices.append(item) file.close() print(devices) Run and, if necessary, troubleshoot your script. Your output should look like Example 2. Example 2: Output for the Script ========== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========== ['Cisco 819 Router', 'Cisco 881 Router', 'Cisco 888 Router', 'Cisco 1100 Router', 'Cisco 4321 Router', 'Cisco 4331 Router', 'Cisco 4351 Router', 'Cisco 2960 Catalyst Switch', 'Cisco 3850 Catalyst Switch', 'Cisco 7700 Nexus Switch', 'Cisco Meraki MS220-8 Cloud Managed Switch', 'Cisco Meraki MX64W Security Appliance', 'Cisco Meraki MX84 Security Appliance', 'Csico Meraki MC74 VoIP Phone', 'Cisco 3860 Catalyst Switch']
Activity – Create a Script to Allow User to Add Devices What if you want to add more devices to the devices.txt file? You can open the file in append mode and then ask the user to provide the name of the new devices. Complete the following steps to create a script: Open a new file and save it as For the open() function use the mode a, which will allow you to append a item to the devices.txt file. Inside a while True: loop, embed an input() function command that asks the user for the new device. Set the value of the user's input to a variable named newItem. Use an if statement that breaks the loop if the user types exit and prints the statement "All done!". Use the command file.write(newItem + “\n”) to add the new user provided device. Run and troubleshoot your script until you get output similar to Example 1. Example 1: Output for Script ==== RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ==== Enter device name: Cisco 1941 Router Enter device name: Cisco 2950 Catalyst Switch Enter device name: exit All done! >>>
Application Programming Interface (API) An API allows one piece of software talk to another. An API is analogous to a power outlet. Without a power outlet, what would you have to do to power your laptop? Open the wall Unsheath wires Splice wires together Understand all the wires in the wall An API defines how a programmer can write one piece of software to talk to an existing application’s features or even build entirely new applications.
API Example A good example of the power of using an API is a restaurant recommendation app that returns a list of relevant restaurants in the area. Instead of creating a mapping function from scratch, the app integrates a third-party API to provide map functionality. The creator of the API specifies how and under what circumstances programmers can access the interface.
Web Services Interface using HTTP Web browsers use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to request (GET) a web page. If successfully requested (HTTP status code 200), web servers respond to GET requests with a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) coded web page, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: HTTP Process for Requesting a Web Page http-services.png
RESTful API using HTTP Representation State Transfer (REST) APIs use HTTP to interface with RESTful services. In Figure 1, the HTTP request asks for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted data. If the request is successfully constructed according to the API documentation, the server will respond with JSON data. Figure 1: RESTful Request for JSON Data REST-http.png
Anatomy of a RESTful Request Figure 1 shows the anatomy of a RESTful request to the MapQuest directions API. The full parameters are not shown. Figure 1: RESTful Request Anatomy The parts of the request are as follows: API Server: The URL for the server that answers REST requests Resources: Specifies the API that is being requested Format: Usually JSON or XML Parameters: Specifies what data is being requested
API Documentation To successfully construct an API request, you must follow the API documentation. As shown in Figure 1, you can quickly find API documentation using an Internet search. Figure 1: Search for API Documentation At a minimum, the API documentation will specify the following: The request format (JSON, XML, or text) The request parameters The response format Figure 2 shows a partial screenshot of the MapQuest Directions API documentation. Click here (Links to an external site.)for the full documentation. Figure 2: Example of API Request Format Documentation
JSON Response Data JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a format for storing and exchanging text between a server and a client application. It is easy to read and write. JSON is a very popular format that web services and APIs use to provide public data because it is easy to parse and can be used with most modern programming languages including Python. Click here (Links to an external site.)to see publicly available information for the International Space Station (ISS). The example calls the ISS Pass Predictions API and returns the time a duration for the next 5 passes of the ISS over Austin, Texas. Note: Search the Internet to learn more about the ISS APIs. You should get JSON response data similar to what is shown in Figure 1, which looks a lot like a collection of Python lists and dictionaries. This similarity makes it easy to convert JSON objects and arrays into Python data structures. Figure 1: ISS JSON Response Data for Austin, Texas Note: To be able to expand and collapse the JSON data, make sure you should have the JSONView (Links to an external site.) extension installed in your Chrome browser. In JSON, objects are indicated by curly braces and resemble Python dictionaries. JSON arrays are held in square brackets and resemble Python lists. To simplify the discussion, we will refer to the JSON structures using the familiar Python terms. Keep in mind however, that JSON data is usually converted to Python data structures before it is used by Python programs. Collapse the JSON data, as shown in Figure 2. At the highest level, the JSON data is contained in a dictionary, as indicated by the curly braces { }. Notice that message, request, and response are key/value pairs in the dictionary. The request element contains another dictionary and the response element contains a list, as indicated by the square brackets [ ]. Figure 2: ISS API Dictionary Root Elements Expand the dictionary inside the response element to view each of the key/value pairs in the dictionary (Figure 3). Figure 3: Elements in the Response List To be able to parse JSON data, it is important to understand this feature of embedding dictionaries and lists within each other. For example, to extract the rise time when the ISS passes over Austin, Texas, you would need to specify three levels of embedded lists and dictionaries, as shown in the script in Example 1. Example 1: Script to Retrieve and Extract the Rise Time when ISS Passes over Austin import urllib.parse import requests import time url = '' json_data = requests.get(url).json() epoch = json_data['response'][0]['risetime'] next_pass = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", time.localtime(epoch)) print("The next ISS pass will be: " + (next_pass)) Run the above code in your Python instance to test it. You should get output that gives the timestamp for the ISS pass over Austin, Texas. Change the coordinates to reflect your location. Make sure you use the correct positive and/or negative designations for your chosen latitude and longitude.
XML Response Data Extensible Markup Language (XML) extends the functionality of HTML allowing web programmers to construct custom tags. To get XML data instead of JSON from the MapQuest API, replace json with xml in the URL structure as shown here: Note: The above URL does not work. You would first need to replace KEY with a valid key to call the MapQuest API. You will get a key in the next topic. You can see in the XML response in Figure 1 that the embedded data has the same basic structure as the previous JSON response. However, in XML, it is not easy to distinguish between dictionaries and lists. Instead, each element is enclosed by an opening and closing tag, such as and . Parsing XML data is more difficult than parsing JSON. Therefore, we will be using JSON data exclusively in this course. Figure 1: XML Response Data for Direction from Chicago to Boston
Demonstration - MapQuest Directions API Application In this topic, you will create an application that retrieves JSON data from the MapQuest Directions API, parses the data, and formats it for output to the user. Click herePreview the document to download a PDF of the full lab. You will use the GET Route request from the MapQuest Directions API. Review the GET Route Directions API documentation here: (Links to an external site.) Example 1 shows output from a functioning version of the program. Notice that the user entered ask for directions for two different trips. To build this application, you will complete the following objectives: Obtain a MapQuest API Key. Import necessary modules. Create API request variables and construct a URL. Add user input functionality. Add a quit feature so that the user can end the application. Display trip information for time, distance, and fuel usage. Iterate through the JSON data to extract and output the directions. Display error messages for invalid user input. Example 1: Output for the MapQuest Directions API Application ========= RESTART: /home/user/Documents/GitHub/ ========= Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Kilometers: 61.32 Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24 ============================================= Start out going north on 6th St/US-50 E/US-1 N toward Pennsylvania Ave/US-1 Alt N. (1.28 km) Turn right onto New York Ave/US-50 E. Continue to follow US-50 E (Crossing into Maryland). (7.51 km) Take the Balt-Wash Parkway exit on the left toward Baltimore. (0.88 km) Merge onto MD-295 N. (50.38 km) Turn right onto W Pratt St. (0.86 km) Turn left onto S Calvert St/MD-2. (0.43 km) Welcome to BALTIMORE, MD. (0.00 km) ============================================= Starting Location: Moscow Destination: Beijing URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Moscow to Beijing Trip Duration: 84:31:10 Kilometers: 7826.83 Fuel Used (Ltr): 793.20 ============================================= Start out going west on Кремлёвская набережная/Kremlin Embankment. (0.37 km) Turn slight right onto ramp. (0.15 km) Turn slight right onto Боровицкая площадь. (0.23 km) [output omitted] Turn left onto 广场东侧路/E. Guangchang Rd. (0.82 km) 广场东侧路/E. Guangchang Rd becomes 东长安街/E. Chang'an Str. (0.19 km) Welcome to BEIJING. (0.00 km) ============================================= Starting Location: Washington Destination: Beijing URL: **************************************************************** Staus Code: 402; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations. **************************************************************** Starting Location: Washington Destination: Balt URL: ************************************************************************ Staus Code: 602; Refer to: ************************************************************************ Starting Location: Washington Destination: URL: ************************************************************************ Staus Code: 611; Refer to: ************************************************************************ Starting Location: q >>> Note: Your instructor may demonstrate the program and show you the script to create it. In addition, your instructor may allow you to have the solution script, However, you will create this script step by step in this topic of the course.
Authenticating a RESTful Request Before building the application, you will need to obtain a key from MapQuest developer site, which you will do in the next step. Previously, you used no authentication to access the ISS Pass Predictions API. However, many APIs require some form of authentication. Authenticating a RESTful request is done in one of four ways: None: The API resource is public and anybody can place the request. This is the method you have used up to this point. Basic HTTP: The username and password are passed to the server in an encoded string. This method is less common than token and OAuth authentication. Token: A secret key generally retrieved from the Web API developer portal. Open Authorization (OAuth): An open standard for retrieving an access token from an Identity Provider. The token is then passed with each API call. For your purposes, you will use token authentication. To add a token to your RESTful request, simply add key=your_api_key, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Adding a Token to a RESTful Request
Activity - Get Your MapQuest API Key Complete the following steps to get a MapQuest API key: Go to: (Links to an external site.). Click Sign Up at the top of the page. Fill out the form to create a new account. For Company, enter Cisco Networking Academy Student. After clicking Sign Me Up, you are redirected to the Manage Keys Click Approve All Keys and expand My Application. Copy your Consumer Key to Notepad for future use. This will be the key you use for the rest of this lab. Note: MapQuest may change the process for obtaining a key. If the steps above are no longer valid, search for “steps to generate mapquest api key”.
Importing Modules To begin our script for parsing JSON data, you will need to import two modules from the Python library: requests and urllib.parse. The request module provides functions for retrieving JSON data from a URL. The urllib.parse module provides a variety of functions that will enable us to parse and manipulate the JSON data you receive from a request to a URL. Open a blank script file and save it as Import the urllib.parse and requests modules, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Importing Modules import urllib.parse import requests
Create Variables for API Request The first step in creating our API request is to construct the URL that our program will use to make the call. Initially, the URL will be the combination of the following variables, as shown in Example 1: main_api - the main URL that you are accessing orig - the parameter to specify your point of origin dest - the parameter to specify your destination key - the MapQuest API key you retrieved from the developer website. Add the variables in Example 1 to your script, replacing "your_api_key" with your API key. Example 1: Create the Variable to Construct the URL main_api = "" orig = "Washington" dest = "Baltimaore" key = "your_api_key" Those variables are combined to create the url variable, as shown in Example 2. Use the urlencode method to properly format the address value. This function builds the parameters part of the URL and converts possible special characters in the address value (e.g. space into “+” and a comma into “%2C”). Add the url variable in Example 2 to your script. Example 2: Create the Variable for the URL url = main_api + urllib.parse.urlencode({"key": key, "from":orig, "to":dest}) Now you are ready to make the request by creating the json_data variable, as shown in Example 3. The variable makes use of the get method of the requests module and specifies JSON as the requested format. The print statement is used to test that the request was successful. Add the json_data variable and print statement in Example 3 to your script. Example 3: Create the JSON Request Variable json_data = requests.get(url).json() print(json_data)
Activity - Test the URL Request Run your script and verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. Although your output might be slightly different, you should get a JSON response similar what is shown in Example 1. Example 1: Output for Testing the URL Request ========== RESTART: /home/user/ ========== {'route': {'distance': 38.089, {'route': {'distance': 38.089, 'hasHighway': True, 'hasUnpaved': False, 'hasAccessRestriction': False, 'options': {'mustAvoidLinkIds': [], 'maxWalkingDistance': -1, 'manmaps': 'true', 'urbanAvoidFactor': -1, 'stateBoundaryDisplay': True, 'cyclingRoadFactor': 1, 'routeType': 'FASTEST', 'countryBoundaryDisplay': True, 'drivingStyle': 2, 'highwayEfficiency': 22, 'narrativeType': 'text', 'routeNumber': 0, 'tryAvoidLinkIds': [], 'generalize': -1, 'returnLinkDirections': False, 'doReverseGeocode': True, 'avoidTripIds': [], 'timeType': 0, 'sideOfStreetDisplay': True, 'filterZoneFactor': -1, 'walkingSpeed': -1, 'useTraffic': False, 'unit': 'M', 'tr [output omitted] >>>
Print the URL and Check the Status of the JSON Request Now that you know the JSON request is working, you can add some more functionality to the application. Save your script as Delete the print(json_data) statement as you no longer need to test that the request is properly formatted. Add the statements below, which will do the following: Print the constructed URL so that the user can see the exact request made by the application. Parse the JSON data to obtain the statuscode value Print the statuscode value and a message if the request is successful. The \n adds a blank line after the message. Example 1: Print the URL and Request Status print("URL: " + (url)) json_data = requests.get(url).json() json_status = json_data["info"]["statuscode"] if json_status == 0: print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n")
Activity - Test Status and URL Print Commands Run your script and verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. You should get output similar to what is shown in Example 1. Example 1: Output for Printing the URL and Request Status ========== RESTART: /home/user/ ========== URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. >>>
Add User Input for Address Up to this point, you have used Washington and Baltimore as the static values for the location variables. However, the application requires that the user input these. Complete the following steps to update your application: Save your script as Delete the current orig and dest Rewrite the orig and dest to be within a while loop in which it requests user input for the starting location and destination. The while loop allows the user to continue to make requests for different directions. Be sure all the remaining code is indented within the while loop, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: While Loop for User Input while True: orig = input("Starting Location: ") dest = input("Destination: ") url = main_api + urllib.parse.urlencode({"key": key, "from":orig, "to":dest}) print("URL: " + (url)) json_data = requests.get(url).json() json_status = json_data["info"]["statuscode"] if json_status == 0: print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n")
Activity - Test User Input Run your script and verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. You should get output similar to what is shown in Example 1. You will add quit functionality later. For now, enter Ctrl+C to quit the program. Example 1: Output for Testing User Input for the Address ========== RESTART: /home/user/ ========== Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Starting Location: Note: The output has been modified to remove the API key.
Add Quit Functionality Instead of entering Ctrl+C to quit the program, you will add the ability for the user to enter q or quit as keywords to quit the program. Complete the following steps to update your application: Save your script as Add an if statement after the address variable to check if the user enters q or quit, as shown in Example 1. Example 1: Add an If Statement to Check for Quit Commands while True: orig = input("Starting Location: ") if orig == "quit" or orig == "q": break dest = input("Destination: ") if dest == "quit" or dest == "q": break
Activity - Test Quit Functionality Run your script twice to verify that both quit and q will end the application. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. You should get output similar to what is shown in Example 1. Example 1: Output for Testing Quit Functionality Starting Location: q >>> Starting Location: quit >>> Starting Location: Washington Destination: q >>> Starting Location: Washington Destination: quit >>>
Parse and Display Trip Data Copy your URL into your web browser. If you collapse all the JSON data, you will see that there are two root dictionaries: route and info. Expand the route dictionary and investigate the rich data. There are values to indicate whether the route has toll roads, bridges, tunnels, highways, closures, or crosses into other countries. You should also see values for distance, the total time the trip will take, and fuel usage, as highlighted below. To parse and display this, specify the route dictionary and select key/value pair you want to print. Complete the following steps to print this trip data Save your script as Below the API status print command, add print statements that display the from and to locations, as well as the formattedTime, distance, and fuelUsed Add a print statement that will display a double line before the next request for a starting location as shown below. if json_status == 0: print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n") print("Directions from " + (orig) + " to " + (dest)) print("Trip Duration: " + (json_data["route"]["formattedTime"])) print("Miles: " + str(json_data["route"]["distance"])) print("Fuel Used (Gal): " + str(json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])) Run to see the following output: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Miles: 38.089 Fuel Used (Gal): 1.65 ============================================= Starting Location: q >>> MapQuest uses the imperial system and there is not a request parameter to change data to the metric system. Therefore, you should probably convert your application to display metric values, as shown below. print("Kilometers: " + str((json_data["route"]["distance"])*1.61)) print("Fuel Used (Ltr): " + str((json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])*3.78)) Run the modified script to see the following output: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Kilometers: 61.32329 Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.236999999999999 ============================================= Starting Location: q >>> Use the "{:.2f}".format argument to format the float values to 2 decimal places before converting them to string values, as shown below. Each statement should be on one line. print("Kilometers: " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["distance"])*1.61))) print("Fuel Used (Ltr): " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])*3.78))) Run the modified script to see the following output: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Kilometers: 61.32 Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24 ============================================= Starting Location: q >>>
Test the Parsing and Formatting Functionality Run your script to verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. Make sure you have all the proper opening and closing parentheses. You should get output similar to the following. Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Kilometers: 61.32 Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24 ============================================= Starting Location: q >>>
Inspect the Maneuvers JSON Data Now you are ready to display the step-by-step directions from the starting location to the destination. Locate the legs list inside the route dictionary. The legs list includes one big dictionary with most of the JSON data. Find the maneuvers list and collapse each of the seven dictionaries inside, as shown below. Expand the first dictionary in the maneuvers list. Each dictionary contains a narrative key with a value, such as “Start out going north...”, as shown below. You need to parse the JSON data to extract the value for the narrative key to display inside your application.
Add a For Loop to Iterate Through the Maneuvers JSON Data Complete the following steps to update your application: Save your script as Add a for loop below the second double line print statement. The for loop iterates through each maneuvers list and does the following: Prints the narrative Converts miles to kilometers with *1.61. Formats the kilometer value to print only two decimal places with the "{:.2f}".format Add a print statement that will display a double line before the next request for a starting location as shown below. Note: The second double line print statement is not indented within the for loop. It therefore is part of the previous if statement that checks the statuscode parameter. if json_status == 0: print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n") print("Directions from " + (orig) + " to " + (dest)) print("Trip Duration: " + str(json_data["route"]["formattedTime"])) print("Kilometers: " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["distance"])*1.61))) print("Fuel Used (Ltr): " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])*3.78))) print("=============================================") for each in json_data["route"]["legs"][0]["maneuvers"]: print((each["narrative"]) + " (" + str("{:.2f}".format((each["distance"])*1.61) + " km)")) print("=============================================\n")
Activity - Test JSON Iteration and Application Functionality Run your script and verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. You should get an output similar to the following: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Baltimore URL: API Status: 0 = A successful route call. Directions from Washington to Baltimore Trip Duration: 00:49:19 Kilometers: 61.32 Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24 ============================================= Start out going north on 6th St/US-50 E/US-1 N toward Pennsylvania Ave/US-1 Alt N. (1.28 km) Turn right onto New York Ave/US-50 E. Continue to follow US-50 E (Crossing into Maryland). (7.51 km) Take the Balt-Wash Parkway exit on the left toward Baltimore. (0.88 km) Merge onto MD-295 N. (50.38 km) Turn right onto W Pratt St. (0.86 km) Turn left onto S Calvert St/MD-2. (0.43 km) Welcome to BALTIMORE, MD. (0.00 km) ============================================= Starting Location: q >>>
Check for Invalid User Input Now you are ready to add one final feature to your application to report an error when the user enters invalid data. Recall that you started an if loop to make sure the returned statuscode equals 0 before parsing the JSON data: json_status = json_data["info"]["statuscode"] if json_status == 0: print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n") Starting Location: Washington Destination: Beijing URL: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Balt URL: Starting Location: Washington Destination: [no user input] URL: Starting Location: q Save your script as To provide error information when this happens, add elif and else statements to your if loop. After the last double line print statement under the if json_status == 0, add the following elif and else statements: for each in json_data["route"]["legs"][0]["maneuvers"]: print((each["narrative"]) + " (" + str("{:.2f}".format((each["distance"])*1.61) + " km)")) print("=============================================\n") elif json_status == 402: print("\n****************************************************************") print("Status Code: " + str(json_status) + "; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations.") print("****************************************************************\n") else: print("\n************************************************************************") print("Status Code: " + str(json_status) + "; Refer to:") print("") print("************************************************************************\n") The elif statement prints if the statuscode value is 402 for an invalid location. The else statement prints for all other statuscode values, such as no entry for one or more locations. The else statement ends the if/else loop and returns the application to the while loop.
Activity - Test Full Application Functionality Run your script and verify it works. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary. Test all the features of the application. For error testing, you should get output similar to the following: Starting Location: Washington Destination: Beijing URL: **************************************************************** Staus Code: 402; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations. **************************************************************** Starting Location: Washington Destination: Balt URL: ************************************************************************ Staus Code: 602; Refer to: ************************************************************************ Starting Location: Washington Destination: [no user input] URL: ************************************************************************ Staus Code: 611; Refer to: ************************************************************************ Starting Location: q >>>
Chapter 2: Model Driven Programmability In this chapter, you will learn some basic network programmability concepts and learn how to program a network device using YANG device models and the RESTCONF and NETCONF APIs. The workshop will consist of three main parts: Network Programmability YANG Models Experimenting with RESTCONF Experimenting with NETCONF Security considerations At the end of this workshop you will be able to: Explain the concept of APIs and the importance of RESTful APIs for software integration. Explain how network programmability enhances network management and automation. Explain the advantages of using model based device APIs, compared with a traditional CLI based approach for network automation. Explain how YANG device models define the structure, syntax and validation rules for device data. Interact with networking devices using RESTCONF and NETCONF API interfaces. Use Python with combination of RESTCONF and NETWORK APIs to retrieve and update the device’s configuration.
Computer Requirements If you completed the Lab - PC Setup for Workshop, then your computer should be ready with the following: Python 3 IDLE Installed Python modules: requests and tabulate The Postman application
Why Are We Here? mag-covers.png Data networking is experiencing a period of disruption for the following reasons: Everything becomes connected: The Internet of Things which is connecting millions of devices to the Internet. Everything becomes software-based: Cisco is redefining itself as a software and services company in addition to its role as a leader in providing networking hardware. Everything generates data: Along with the move towards digitization everywhere comes the opportunities and demands of Big Data and Analytics. Everything can be automated: The network can become adaptive and intention-based. Everything needs to be secured: Security needs to be everywhere, especially with millions of things attaching to the network. You are here today to gain knowledge and skills about the programmability aspects of the emerging network.
Building an Industry Ecosystem with DevNet devnet-ecosystem.png DevNet, formerly known as the Cisco Developer's Network, is a place for developers to test out software with actual Cisco networks and devices that are programmable. DevNet offers numerous sandboxed virtual environments that are either open or reservable by registered users. In addition, DevNet offers many learning tracks and hours of courses designed for networking professionals who are learning network programmability. The Networking Academy Program is working with DevNet to bring learners and developers together in a powerful ecosystem. DevNet access is free. Please visit DevNet (Links to an external site.) and login as a NetAcad user so that you can explore what DevNet has to offer you.
Control Plane and Data Plane control-and-data-planes.png With the networking devices that we are familiar with, you may tend to think of a router or switch as a single device. However, the major functions of these devices can be divided into two planes: Control plane - Makes forwarding decisions. The control plane contains Layer 2 and Layer 3 route forwarding mechanisms. Information sent to the control plane is processed by the CPU. Data plane - Also called the forwarding plane, this plane is used to forward traffic flows. Routers and switches use information from the control plane to forward incoming traffic out the appropriate egress interface. By separating the control plane and data plane, network programmers can centralize information that devices use to make forwarding decisions and perform other functions.
Programmable API interfaces for the network In Software Defined Architectures, the SDN controller provides an abstraction layer on top of the physical network, making it easier to configure, maintain and troubleshoot. The controller itself comes usually with built-in features that help network administrators out of the box. Moreover, the controllers expose a Northbound RESTful API interface that enables developers to build their own custom applications and features on top of the abstraction layer. Such applications can extend the build-in functionality of the controller or solve specific business requirements. On the Southbound side, the controller uses various protocols to communicate with the networking devices. Common Southbound protocols are SSH, SNMP, but also emerging new model driven protocols as well such as RESTCONF and NETCONF. SDN In this workshop, you will learn more about protocols such as RESTCONF and NETCONF and the YANG models to build your own simple examples of network automation using reusable Python scripts and other tools.
Lab activities The workshop is designed to be run using the Instructor's PowerPoint slides to provide the background context for the 10 hands on lab activities: Lab - PC Setup for WorkshopPreview the document 2.1 Lab - Setting Up the Lab EnvironmentPreview the document 2.2 Lab - CLI Automation with Python using netmikoPreview the document 2.3 Lab - Explore YANG models using the pyang toolPreview the document 2.4 Lab - RESTCONF with PostmanPreview the document 2.5 Lab - RESTCONF with PythonPreview the document 2.6 Lab - raw NETCONFPreview the document 2.7 Lab - NETCONF wPython List CapabilitiesPreview the document 2.8 Lab - NETCONF wPython Device ConfigurationPreview the document 2.9 Lab - NETCONF wPython Get Operational DataPreview the document
The Cisco APIC Approach to SDN cisco-apic-architecture.png A different SDN approach is represented by the Cisco APIC or APIC-EM SDN controllers. These controllers create abstraction from the physical network fabric at the bottom to applications at the top. In this case, the control plane does not need to be decoupled from the data plane. The control plane still resides in every device, which provides local distributed intelligence where it is needed. This approach removes the potential for the controller to become the bottleneck of the network. Existing network devices such as routers and switches continue to be used to build scalable and high performance distributed networks. In the past, network staff have had to spend a lot of time on the infrastructure at the bottom of the diagram -- the switches and the routers -- connecting them together to build a network architecture. Where people really need to be spending their time -- what digital business thrives on -- is this application layer at the top of the diagram. The SDN controller in this case is very important, because it reconciles the two organizational needs. It presents the application layer with abstractions of the network that is underneath. Because of this, applications can very easily consume network services. This is critical because the digital enterprise is entirely application driven. These software applications control orchestration, automation, collaboration, policy, and security so that network staff can work with the abstract and easy to use representation of the network fabric. Opening up the software environment to third-party developers encourages innovation and growth. DevNet is a prime resource for facilitating relationships between Cisco and developers. Here then is the need for developers of network applications that interact with the SDN controller, through REST APIs, to realize business needs in the operation of the physical infrastructure.
The Cisco SDN Model with APIC-EM Cisco_SDN_Model_APIC-EM.png As shown in the figure, the Cisco APIC-EM SDN controller communicates with the physical topology using standard Southbound API protocols such as SNMP, SSH and Telnet rather than a protocol like OpenFlow. This makes an easy to use abstraction of the network fabric available to applications using a standard REST API interface. These applications can run from big “all in one” orchestration tools to simple scripts that use a single API call to answer a question such as, “How many computers are connected to our network?” Imagine answering that question with a CCENT level knowledge from your computer by SSHing to every router and switch and entering commands at the CLI like “show ip route”, “show ip arp”, and “show mac address-table." Then imagine trying to make some sense of all that output to create a meaningful answer to the simple question. We now take a closer look at how we can answer questions about a network programmatically using the APIC-EM APIs
What is the Cisco APIC-EM? The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Enterprise Module (APIC-EM) is an SDN controller that has the following characteristics: - Enterprise network SDN controller - Can be either a virtual software only appliance or a physical appliance - Creates an intelligent, open, programmable network with open APIs - Can transform business-intent policies into dynamic network configuration - Provides a single point for network-wide automation and control
APIC-EM DevNet Login APIC-EM-login.png Access the APIC-EM sandbox environments hosted by DevNet using the following URLs: NetAcad Americas and Asia-Pacific regions Link -or- Link Obtain credentials from instructor. NetAcad Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia regions Link Obtain credentials from instructor. Open sandbox for general use (available for future exploration) Link
User: devnetuser PW: Cisco123!
The username and password for the NetAcad sandboxes will change every 3-6 months. If your login no longer works, use the open sandbox.
APIC-EM Home Page APIC-EM-homepage-2.png After logging in, you will see the Home page, as shown in the figure. The menu on the left provides access to the GUI for each of the services and applications available on the APIC-EM. Three important places on the home page include: -Services - The APIC-EM discovers the devices on the network and places them in host and device inventory tables where details for each device can be viewed. The APIC-EM also creates a topology. -Applications - APIC-EM applications allow configuration of the network and testing of network connectivity. Applications include: * IWAN - Simplifies WAN deployments by providing an intuitive, policy-based interface that helps IT abstract network complexity and design for business intent. * Path Trace - Greatly eases and accelerates the task of connection monitoring and troubleshooting. * Network Plug and Play - Provides a unified approach to provision enterprise networks comprised of Cisco routers, switches, and wireless access points with a near-zero-touch deployment experience. * Easy QoS - Provides a simple way to classify and assign application priority. -API documentation - A link where you can access information about the API that is essential to network programmers.
Activity - APIC-EM Topology Page APIC-EM-topology-page.png The figure shows an example of a network topology that was discovered and rendered by the APIC-EM. You will work with a similar topology, although it may vary slightly. Access the APIC-EM topology page and explore the services and applications that are available.
REST API Review Recall that Representational State Transfer (REST) is a standardized way of allowing systems on the Internet to interact with one another. It uses the standard HTTP methods and stateless transport to POST or PUT data and requests to an API and to GET responses from the API. REST APIs include the following characteristics: * Use HTTP protocol methods and transport. * API endpoints exist as server processes that are accessed through URIs. * Webpages present data and functionality in human-machine interaction driven by a user. * APIs present data and functionality in machine-machine interactions driven by software. Directory of Public APIs: (Links to an external site.) REST-http.png
REST API Operation An application is used to issue requests to an API endpoint that is accepting HTTP requests. Each endpoint can may have different requirements for the format of the REST request. These requirements are available in the API documentation that is provided to developers. APIC-EM_REST_example.png In the figure, a generic APIC-EM URL is shown with path to an endpoint called /host. The host endpoint provides an inventory of hosts on the network that is attached to the APIC-EM. If the GET request is correctly formatted and authenticated, the API will return detailed information about the hosts in the form JSON-formatted data.
REST Request Elements REST requests require the following elements (requirements may differ depending on the API): Method - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE URL Example: http://{APIC-EMController}/api/v1/host Authentication - Basic HTTP, OAuth, none, Custom Custom Headers - HTTP Headers Example: Content-Type: application/JSON Request Body - JSON or XML containing data needed to complete request
REST Response Elements The REST response includes the following elements: HTTP Status Code: 200 OK 201 Created 401, 403 Authorization error 404 Resource not found 500 Internal Error Headers Body JSON XML The figure shows example output from an API call displayed in the Postman application.
Authenticating with the APIC-EM Recall that authenticating a RESTful request is done in one of four ways: None: The API resource is public and anybody can place the request. Basic HTTP: The username and password are passed to the server in an encoded string. This method is less common than token and OAuth authentication. Token: A secret key generally retrieved from the Web API developer portal. Open Authorization (OAuth): An open standard for retrieving an access token from an Identity Provider. The token is then passed with each API call. APIC-EM uses Token for authentication management. The APIC-EM calls this token a service ticket. In the first lab, you will use Postman to request a service ticket by supplying the username and password, as shown in the figure. After the token (service ticket) is received, it is used instead of account credentials. APIC-EM service tickets timeout, so they must be repeatedly requested..
Activity - APIC-EM Swagger Documentation Swagger is a framework for development and documentation of RESTful APIs under the OpenAPI specification. It provides a standard way do document APIs that is consistent in presentation and functionality. The APIC-EM uses a token for authentication. Tokens are called a service tickets. To request a service ticket, you send POST request to the API /ticket endpoint. Complete the following steps to inside the Swagger documentation to request a service ticket for the APIC-EM. Note: Use the APIC-EM URL and credentials that have been supplied by your instructor. The examples provided in this activity refer to the public DevNet APIC-EM instance. 1. Login to your APIC-EM instance with the appropriate credentials.. 2. Click API in the top right corner of the home screen. 3. Click Role Based Access Control > ticket > POST /ticket. You should see the documentation for the method to create a new user ticket, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Documentation for Creating a New Ticket APIC-EM-Swagger1.png 4. Click Model Schema. 5. Click the yellow box under Model Schema. 6. Enter the password and username credentials between the quotes. 7. Click Try it out!. 8. If successful, the ticket number will be in the response body JSON, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: JSON Response with Ticket Number APIC-EM-Swagger2.png Next, you will learn how to use Postman and Python to request a service ticket.
Lab - Getting a Service Ticket with Python This page summarizes the steps in Lab - Getting a Service Ticket with Python. Click herePreview the document to download the lab PDF if you would like a more detailed explanation. In this lab, you will complete the following objectives in order to prepare your computer for the course: Part 1: Get a Service Ticket in Postman Part 2: Get a Service Ticket in Python Required Resources Postman Python 3 with IDLE Python requests module Access to the Internet Note: Use the APIC-EM sandbox URL and credentials provided by your instructor. Only use the public APIC-EM URL and credentials for additional study after the conclusion of the workshop. For example purposes, this activity uses the URL and credentials of the public sandbox. Part 1: Get a Service Ticket in Postman In this part, you will request a service ticket number from APIC-EM using Postman. Step 1: Configure Postman. In Postman, click File > Settings > General tab and set the SSL certificate verification to OFF. postman-ssl-setting.png Step 2: Select the method and enter the required URL. Select POST as the method and enter the URL https://{YOUR-APICEM} in the Enter request URL field. (Replace {YOUR-APICEM} with the subdomain of the APIC-EM sandbox instance used in this workshop.) postman-post-enter-url.png Step 3: Enter the header information. Select Headers, enter Content-Type in the New key field, and application/json in the Value field. postman-headers.png Step 4: Enter the authentication information. Select Body and raw. Then enter the APIC-EM credentials using the following code: { "username": "devnetuser", "password": "Cisco123!" } postman-authentication.png Step 5: Send the request. Click Send. After a brief delay, you should see the response JSON that includes the value of the serviceTicket key. postman-request.png Part 2: Get a Service Ticket in Python In this part, you will use Python to request a service ticket number from the APIC-EM. Step 1: Setup the Python script environment. Open IDLE. Click Options > Configure IDLE > General. Change Initial Window Size to Width = 100 and click Ok. Step 2: Import modules and disable SSL warnings. Click File > New File to open IDLE Editor. Save the file as Enter the following statements: import json import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() Step 3: Build the request components. Create a variable named api_url and assign the URL. Create a dictionary variable named headers that has a single key for content-type and assign the key the value application/json. Create a dictionary variable named body_json that has two keys needed for authentication. api_url = "https://{YOUR-APICEM}" headers = { "content-type": "application/json" } body_json = { "username": "!!!REPLACE ME with the Username!!!", "password": "!!!REPLACE ME with the Password!!!" } Step 4: Send the request. Create a variable named resp to send the request. This variable will hold the JSON response from the API. Save your script and run it. There will not be any output yet but the script should run without errors. If not, review the steps and make sure your code does not contain any errors.,json.dumps(body_json),headers=headers,verify=False) Step 5: Evaluate the response. Display the status of the request by printing the status_code property of the resp variable with a short string that identifies the value. Create a variable named response_json that will convert the response data to Python format. Create a variable named serviceTicket that will parse the service ticket number from the response_json variable. Add a print statement to print the value of the serviceTicket key. print("Ticket request status: ", resp.status_code) response_json = resp.json() serviceTicket = response_json["response"]["serviceTicket"] print("The service ticket number is: ", serviceTicket) Save and run your script. You should get output similar to the following although your serviceTicket value will be different. Ticket request status: 200 The service ticket number is: ST-5719-wqCr5bdUWAUn9LqabWl0-cas >>> Step 6: Create a function from the program. Rather than recreating code in every program that it is used in, you can import and refer to the same code repeatedly by calling a function that resides in a separate file. Complete the following steps to create a script that contains your program as a function: Open a new file in IDLE Editor and save it as Copy all of the code from your file and paste it into the new file. Enter a few blank lines below the import statements. Add the statement def get_ticket(): to define your code as the function get_ticket(). Be sure you include the colon. Select all of the statements below the def get_ticket(): From the IDLE Editor menu, click Format > Indent Region. Add the statement return serviceTicket to the end of the indented code. Your code should look like the following: python-def-get-ticket_2.png Save and run the script. The file will run in the IDLE Shell, although nothing is displayed. Call your function by entering get_ticket() in the IDLE Shell. You should see output similar to the following: >>> get_ticket() Ticket request status: 200 The service ticket number is: ST-5274-Ey2TCHlMVqntwNqEkGzs-cas 'ST-5274-Ey2TCHlMVqntwNqEkGzs-cas' >>>
Lab - Create a Host Inventory in Python This page summarizes the steps in Lab - Create a Host Inventory in Python. Click herePreview the document to download the lab PDF if you would like a more detailed explanation. In this lab, you will complete the following objectives in order to prepare your computer for the course: Part 1: Use Postman to get a Network Host Inventory Part 2: Use Python to get a Network Host Inventory Required Resources Postman Python 3 with IDLE Python requests module Python tabulate module The functions file that you have created or the file Access to the Internet Note: Use the APIC-EM sandbox URL and credentials provided by your instructor. Only use the public APIC-EM URL and credentials for additional study after the conclusion of the workshop. For example purposes, this activity uses the URL and credentials of the public sandbox. Part 1: Use Postman to get a Network Host Inventory In this part of the lab, you will enter the requirements for accessing the API in Postman, submit a request, and then review the JSON data that is returned. Step 1: Configure and send the Postman request for a host inventory. Refer to the Postman screen shot below and complete the following steps: Click the plus sign (+) to create a new tab. Enter the following information: Request method: GET Endpoint URI: https://{YOUR-APICEM} Headers: Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: Click the tab for the service ticket request you created in the previous lab and click Send. Copy the value of the service ticket, without quotes, from the response JSON. Return to the host inventory request tab and paste the value of the service ticket into the Value field for the X-Auth-Token. Click Send and verify the body section is populated with JSON data, as shown below. If the response fails, look at the status value and try to determine where the error may be. postman-host-request.png Step 2: Use to evaluate the response. Copy the JSON from Postman to JSON Viewer at (Links to an external site.). Click Tree Viewer to render the tree, as shown below: code-beautify.png Collapse all levels by clicking the second icon in the Result window, as shown above. Expand object, array, and response. The number next to the response key indicates how many entries there are. Expand the level marked 0. Your Tree Viewer should look similar to the following: code-beautify-tree-viewer.png Look at the key/value pairs that are assigned to level 0. Next to level 0, the number 14 indicates that there are 14 keys associated with this entry. However, there are different numbers for the other hosts. Open each device and compare entries. Part 2: Use Python to get a Network Host Inventory In this part of the lab, you will create a Python program to get the same network host inventory you retrieved using Postman in Part 1. You will then create a function from your program and add it to your file. Step 1: Setup the code environment. Open IDLE and click File > New File. Save the new file as Enter the following code to import the requests, json, tabulate, and the functions from my_apic_em_functions. import requests import json from tabulate import * from my_apic_em_functions import * Step 2: Build the request components. Create the variable api_url and assign a string containing the URI of the APIC-EM /host endpoint. The URL is https://{YOUR-APICEM} Create the variable ticket and assign to it the value returned by the get_ticket() function. Create the headers dictionary and assign it to the headers variable. api_url = "" ticket = get_ticket() headers = { "content-type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": ticket } Step 3: Make the request and handle errors. Create a variable named resp, and assign to it the results of request. You use the get() method to make the request by supplying it with the URL and headers variables created above. Print the status of the request. Create an if condition to detect if the status code returned by the API is anything other than 200. If this condition was true, the request was unsuccessful. If the request fails, raise an exception and provide the error message as shown in the code block below. Create a variable to hold the response JSON that has been converted to Python dictionary format. The entire block of code should look like this: resp = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, verify=False) print("Status of /host request: ", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Status code does not equal 200. Response text: " + resp.text) response_json = resp.json() e. Save your script and run it. You should get output similar to the following. If not, troubleshoot your code for errors. The service ticket number is: ST-5873-WBA3XaHjev0aJYeWPVk3-cas Status of /host request: 200 >>> Step 4: Parse and format the JSON response data. In this step, you will create a for loop to parse the JSON data and create a table that will look similar to the following: python_host_table.png To do this, a for loop will iterate through the list of hosts and extract the value for the two dictionary keys, hostType and hostIP. The for loop will populate a list called host_list with the values for the Number, Type, and IP columns. The number of the host is not present in the JSON data. You will create a separate variable, assign a value of 0 and then increment it as the loop repeats. Create the list variable host_list to hold the hostType and hostIP values and create the integer variable i that will be incremented with each iteration of the loop. The i variable will hold the value for the number column in the table. Create the for loop to iterate over every item in the response key of the response_json variable. Inside the for loop, increment the ordinal number variable i. Then append the values from the JSON to the host_list variable. Use the tabulate function to print the table of hosts. The tabulate function will take as arguments the host_list variable, and a list variable of headers for the columns that will be printed. Save your script and run it. You should get a table similar to the one shown at the beginning of this step. Investigate and fix any errors that may occur. The correct code is as follows: host_list = [] i = 0 for item in response_json["response"]: i+=1 host = [ i, item["hostType"], item["hostIp"] ] host_list.append( host ) table_header = ["Number", "Type", "IP"] print( tabulate(host_list, table_header) ) Step 5: Create the function for the host inventory request. The should already have the import statements for requests and json. Copy and paste the tabulate import statement into the file below them. Add a few blank lines below your get_ticket(): function and define a new function called print_hosts(): using the def command. Copy your code from the api_url variable through the print statement and paste it into the new function. Select all of the lines below the definition statement and select Indent Region from the IDLE Format menu. Your code should look like the following: python-def-get-host-2.png
Lab - Using the APIC-EM Path Trace API This page summarizes the steps in Lab - Using the APIC-EM Path Trace API. Click herePreview the document to download the lab PDF if you would like a more detailed explanation. Background / Scenario The APIC-EM includes a robust Path Trace application that is accessible through the API. In this lab, you will complete a program that does the following: Displays lists of all of the hosts and network devices on the APIC-EM network. Accepts user input for the source and destination devices for the path trace. Initiates the path trace. Monitors the status of the path trace until it has been completed by the APIC-EM. Displays details of the completed path trace to the user. Required Resources Access to an APIC-EM sandbox IDLE Python IDE Python modules: json requests time, a new module for this lab tabulate functions file previously created in the workshop or the corresponding solution files JSON sample data file path_trace_data.json Step 1: Access the APIC-EM API documentation for Flow Analysis. Open the APIC-EM sandbox and access the API documentation page. Open the documentation for the Flow Analysis endpoint. Click API > Flow Analysis > flow-analysis > POST /flow-analysis. Under the Parameters heading, click Model Schema to view the schema for the /flow-analysis POST method. Make note of the schema for the request body. You will create a variable to hold dictionary key/value pairs for the source and destination IP addresses only. Under the Response Class heading, click Model Schema and make note or the key/value pairs in the response dictionary. You will parse the returned JSON for the flowAnalyisId key and use its value to monitor the progress of the path trace. Step 2: Complete the code for Section 1 to setup the environment. Open the work file in IDLE. In Section 1, enter the code to import the required modules using the commands you learned in previous labs. The list of required modules appears in the Required Resources section above. Disable SSL certificate warnings. Hint: This code was used in Create the api_url variable and assign it the URL of the Flow Analysis endpoint of the API. The URL is https://{YOUR-APICEM} Add code to get a fresh service ticket using the function you created earlier. Assign the returned value to the variable ticket to be used in the POST request headers. Create a dictionary called headers to hold the HTTP header information that will be supplied to the POST request, as was done in previous labs in and Step 3: Complete the code for Section 2 to display the hosts and network devices inventory. Refer to Section 2 of the code. In this step, you will reuse the functions that you created previously to display lists of the available hosts and network devices that may be included as endpoints in a Path Trace. Print a message that tells the user what is being displayed followed by the function that displays the list of hosts in the topology on a new line. Use the following syntax: print("string") function_name() Print another message that tells the user what is being displayed followed by the function that displays the list of network devices in the topology. To test your code, copy Sections 1 and 2 into a new IDLE document, save the file, and then run the code. Step 4: Complete the code for Section 3 to request the source and destination IP addresses. Refer to Section 3 of the code. As you can see from the Path Trace API documentation, requests to the /flow-analysis API can accept a number of values. For this lab, you will only be using source and destination IP addresses, but the additional parameters can be added by modifying the JSON that is submitted to the API. Prompt the user for the required IP addresses and assign the input to the s_ip (source) and d_ip (destination) variables using the following syntax: variable = input("prompt string: ") Remember that you are working within a while loop structure. Indentation is important. Be sure that your level of indentation is consistent with other code that is present in the while loop. Optional Challenge: Add two statements that will get the values of the path_data dictionary keys and print a message that displays the source and destination IP addresses entered by the user. Copy the code in Section 3 and paste it into your test file. Run, test, and debug the code. Try entering IP addresses at the prompts and try skipping one of the entries by pressing the key without entering an address to test your error messages. Step 5: Complete the code for Section 4 to initiate the path trace and get the flow analysis ID. Refer to Section 4 of the code. In order to initiate the Path Trace, the method is used to submit the source and destination IP addresses to the /flow-analysis API. The method works similarly to the other requests module methods. You will pass the method the four parameters with the variables shown in the table below: Parameter Variable/Parameter Name Explanation URL api_url The URL of the API endpoint. body path JSON formatted data for the source and destination IP addresses. headers headers The content type and authentication token represented as JSON data. verification verify Used to verify the server’s security (TLS) certificate. False means the certificate is not verified. Create the path variable and assign the converted path_data dictionary variable to it. The syntax is: variable_json = json.dumps(dictionary_variable) Build the post() method to submit the path trace request, and store the response in the resp variable. Look at the example of the use of the method from the get_ticket code for guidance and use the information in the table above. Supply the correct variables to the statement. The syntax is: response_variable =,body,headers=variable,verify=False) You will need the value of the flowAnalysisID to check the status of the path trace request and to get the completed path trace data from the APIC-EM. Look at the structure of the JSON that is returned by the API. flowanalysisID.png From this you can see that that the JSON exists at two levels. The version: and response: objects are at the first level. At the second level, you can see the flowAnalysisId and other values. Use the resp_json variable that has been created in the code to translate the JSON into a Python dictionary from which you can extract the flowAnalysisID. The syntax is: flowAnalysisId = resp_json["level one key"]["level 2 key"] Run your code and fix any errors that may appear. Step 6: Complete the code in Section 5 to check status of the Path Trace request. Refer to Section 5 of the code. The Path Trace request that you submitted in the previous step only begins the path trace process and returns the flow analysis ID. To display the results of the Path Trace, you have to wait for the process to complete. To do this, you create a while loop that repeatedly request the status of the trace. The status of the request can be COMPLETED, FAILED, or INPROGRESS. If the status is COMPLETED, the program moves on to the next section of code, which will display the results of the Path Trace. If it is FAILED, a message is displayed and the program terminates. Additional code is also included in the while loop to limit the number of iterations and to set a one-second timer. Note: Not all devices with IP addresses can successfully function as endpoints for a path trace. If your path trace fails, try using only host addresses as endpoints. The URL for requests to the /flow-analysis end point can include the flow analysis ID, as shown in the Swagger documentation for the Flow Analysis endpoint. Because multiple path traces could be occurring simultaneously, this allows data retrieval for a specific request. Construct a new variable, called check_url that contains the value api_url followed by a forward slash and then the flow analysis ID stored in the previous step. The JSON-formatted data that is returned by the Path Trace API contains four or more levels of objects, some with multiple arrays. The status value to determine the status of the request is only three levels in, as shown below: path-trace-request-status.png The JSON returned is stored in the variable called response_json, as shown in the code. You need to extract the value of the status object from response_json and put it into the status variable. Construct the line of code that will accomplish this task and enter the line into your program for the second instance of status inside the while loop. Save and run your code. Step 7: Complete the code in Section 6 to display the results of the path trace. Most of the code in Section 6 is already done for you. Read through it to gain an understanding of how the code parses the JSON from the path trace results and then displays it in a table. If you would like a more detailed explanation of how the code works in this section, click here Preview the documentto refer to the lab PDF. The following steps briefly summarize how to complete the variables path_source, path_dest, and networkElementsInfo. Open the path_trace_data.json file in a text editor, copy the contents, and paste it into the JSON viewer at (Links to an external site.). Generate a tree view of the JSON to determine the keys needed to complete the three variables. Locate the source IP address and destination IP address keys. Complete the path_source and path_dest variables by providing the correct names for the keys. Use the following syntax: path_source = response_json["level1key"]["level2key"]["level3key"] path_dest = response_json["level1key"]["level2key"]["level3key"] Return to the JSON tree in Make note of the location of the networkElementsInfo dictionary. Complete the networkElementsInfo variable by providing the correct names for the keys. Use the following syntax: networkElementsInfo = response_json["level1key"]["level2key"] Step 8: Save and run the final code file. Now you should be able to run the entire path trace application. If you have been unable to complete all activities in this workshop, please inspect and run the various solution files that are distributed with this workshop.

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